
Minggu, 20 September 2009

Tips speed up windows startup

Minggu, 20 September 2009

Tip speed up windows startup

To speed up windows on startup there should eliminate some of the programs loaded on your computer at start. Now you must ask whether the program would be lost? The answer is not, and how to eliminate it? Do some step following the step-written by this http:1step.blogspot.com she steps:

1. Open the run by clicking Start>> Run or by pressing CTRL + symbol windows on your pc keyboard
2. If the run is open suda write msconfig in the little box and click OK
3. Will appear as shown below and you select the start up tab uncheck lau checklist on programs that are not important.
Here are examples of programs that are important:
Other programs that do not constitute the driver or the name is not associated with your laptop and media devices.
Ok buddy that's some way to get your laptop pc atauppun faster at start up.

NAMA ANDA - 05.29